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Friday 7 February 2014

Moments like this

"I cherish the breathless moments that we share. Those beautiful moments when time stand still and our souls leave our bodies to unite with each other in a timeless bond of divinity." Aarti Khurana

Have you ever had a moment when you felt like you could just stay there forever?! Like life would be perfect if you could live in that moment and never leave!? 
Since having Anya I have moments like that all the time! But I also have moments that I need to remind myself of those cherished times just to pull through what i'm going through. 

Anya has been getting up to eat at 12pm since I moved her bed time to 8:30 instead of 10. She still sleeps straight to 5 or 6 after that bottle at 12pm though. Well last night when she got up I had one of those "I can't do this moments". Anya got up for what should have been a bottle at 12:30 last night but when I went into her room and picked her up she refused to take the bottle. I sat there with her and just cried feeling like I just couldnt do it anymore. I sat for what felt like an hour till Anya was calm enough that I could feed her. 

As I sat there thinking "I cant do this" I quickly gave my head a shake and reminded myself how truly blessed I am. I reminded myself how much I wanted and longed for that very moment. Ya I know what your thinking, no one wishes to be up in the middle of the night with a crying baby. But there was a time in my life when it was all I wished for, and it's only when I take a minute to bring myself back to that time that I can truly cherish every moment I have with Anya and know how truly blessed I really am! 

When I woke up this morning and after John left for work Anya and I started our typical day, play time for Anya and morning coffee for mommy (I dont know how any mom lives without coffee by the way)! When Anya started to fuss, an hour earlier then her typical nap time, I got up to get her and within minutes she was snuggled in my chest and fast asleep. I typically take her upstairs right away so she doesnt get in the habit of sleeping in my arms but this time I just held her, cherishing that very moment that I had with her wishing it would never go away! 

There was a time in life that holding a sleeping baby in my arms was a dream, just figment of my imagination, something I thought I would never have. I, along with many other people, have been blessed with one of gods greatest most precious gifts that can be given. We are blessed with something that some people only dream of! So when your two year old throws himself to the floor in the middle of the mall and wont stop screaming and all you can think is how you 'cant do this' stop and think of what a blessing that child is. When its 4am your up for the 4th time with your newborn and your beyond exhausted stop for a moment and think of all those people out there only dreaming that they were exactly where you are! We all need to just stop for one moment and realize, even in the hardest of times, how truly blessed we really are. 

Remember that this may be your reality but it also is someones dream! 


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