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Monday 24 February 2014

Rainbow Lights ♥♥♥

"Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen!"  Michael Jordan

As many of you know in September 2011 my father in law passed away from CLL, a form of Cancer. He had been in remission for 7 years but was re diagnosed in February of 2011. He was only with us for a short time after he was re diagnosed but we lived everyone of those days to fullest! Last year John's cousin Erin, my father in laws niece, was diagnosed with SLL/CLL.

Last year Erin's sisters started a group called, Rainbow lights, for the Light The Night Cancer walk to raise money for cancer research. https://www.facebook.com/ltnprairies This is a link to the page The group was even featured on the page on Feb 18th for having a goal of $3000 last year but raising $26,000! That's more than triple the goal! Such an amazing accomplishment!! :D :D

This year a goal of $30,000 has been set to be raised by the walk that will be held at the end of the year!! So I have decided, seeing as I spend 90% of my time at home with Anya right now, that I am going to help them reach the goal they have set this year and would like YOU to help me too!! 

I am looking for companies (any company) to donate items so that I can make a basket (hoping more then one) that we can sell raffle tickets for with all proceeds going toward the $30,000 for cancer research!! Items can be anything, even gift cards, as long as it is new and unused! If you would like to donate an item please send me an email and we can arrange to have to sent to me or if your local I can pick it up or it can be dropped of! I will also give you all other details and answer  whatever questions you may have. My email is mandie5683@gmail.com

Please if you know someone who many be interested in donating and helping this amazing cause please share this!! And dont forget this is also an awesome way to spread some news about your business! I will advertise your business with a blog post for people so they know what they are getting! 


"Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it!" Unknown

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