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Tuesday 11 February 2014

No regrets!

"Life is about laughing and living in good and bad times, getting through whatever comes our way, and looking back with a smile!"  Unknown
I have always taken opportunities by the head and ran with every experience that has ever presented itself to me. I was presented with an amazing, well what I thought was amazing, opportunity after john and I were married and I took that opportunity and ran with it. People told me I was crazy and that I would regret the choice I was making. But I don't believe in regrets I don't regret anything I do and if I am unhappy with a choice I make I try to learn from it but I never have regretted a choice I have made, definitely not this one! :)
A few years ago my wedding photographer, Cassandra at Candid Apple Photography in Kelowna BC, and I were talking about trashing my wedding dress as it is something that had always interested me. I gave her some ideas I had and she was all for it!! So it was done set I was trashing my wedding dress! I know a lot of people have done this over the past few years but its typically something that can be fixed or dry cleaned. I decided that if I was doing this that it was going to be something id always remember! And well its definitely an experience ill never forget and when I look back at the opportunity I wouldn't change a bit of it! :)

A lot of people cant believe that I actually ruined my dress to a point of no return. I don't regret it one bit. That photo shoot had to be one of the most amazing memories I have. Not to mention the amount of fun I had and how many people can say that they wore their wedding dress for more then one day! People now ask well what if Anya wanted to wear it, what happens when she gets married and says "mommy I want your dress". I'd be beyond flattered if Anya ever wanted to wear my wedding dress but lets be honest in twenty to thirty years when Anya gets married she's not going to want to wear my wedding dress. She's going to want her own dress to make her own memories in!

We did a few photos at the beginning of just me in the dress just to remember how awesome my dress was before we trashed it. John did the photo shoot with me which made it that much better!! :)

I should probably mention that it was November when we did this photo shoot so the moment that paint hit our skin it froze and boy was it ever cold out! Cold or not it was still a lot of fun and the pictures we got were really awesome too!!

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take!" Unknown


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