We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Monday 3 March 2014

5 Months, Really! ♥

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
I can't believe my baby girl is 5 months old already, where the heck did the time go?!
Anya is growing and learning so much everyday I love to watch it, everyday she amazes me more and more!
I'm still not sure if she will have brown or red hair although everyday it seems to get lighter! She just may end up being tall like her daddy, she's 23 inches already! She is still pretty tiny and weighs 12lbs 3oz (at her needles last week).
I recently put away her newborn and 0-3 month clothes and she wears some 3 months and some 3-6 month. We also opened our last box of diapers that were given to us last week and they are size 2! So no more size one diapers!!
Anya started eating rice cereal about two weeks ago. She started to watch John and I eat and would cry when we didn't give it to her and would refuse her bottle so although it was early we tried it and she loved it! We have since started making some different fruits and veggies for her! She loves cauliflower and Bananas (she had to try bananas a few times before she liked the). She is not a fan of the mixed veggies you buy at the store (peas, green beans, and carrots). Mel gave her pineapple while she watched her yesterday and she ate it but was definitely not to sure about it so it may take a few tries of that for her to like it as well.
She can now roll front to back and back to front, no more leaving her on the bed while I get dressed or shower. She grabs at everything including my face and hair! She is trying really hard to sit herself up, she gets about half way there! She can sit up if I sit her up all on her own for a few seconds before she falls over! It went be long before she can sit all by herself! :)
I can't believe how fast she is growing, where did my 5lb newborn go?!
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