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Wednesday 30 April 2014

7 Months ♥

"Though she be but little, she is fierce." William Shakespeare

7 months old and I can't believe how smart you have become! She weighs 15lbs 8oz and is about 27 1/2 inches. Anya loves to stand and walk as long as she's holding onto something or someone. She loves her jumper too! She says Dada and Daddy. She actually said it to john for the first time on his birthday! She still is on puréed foods although I do give her bread and things that will just mush in her mouth to get her used to different textures and so far she is doing awesome!
I can remember when her monkey was bigger then she was and now she towers over it no problem! She still hasn't figured out crawling although she gets up on her knees but when she get there she just shakes. I honestly think she will walk way before she ever figures out how to crawl. Sometimes it makes me so sad and others I just wish she would walk cause it is all she wants to do!
She is currently in love with the toy tractor that a little boy left at our house. If she is playing with it and you take it away she loses it. Its kinda cool to see cause it gives me hope that she has a little bit of a tom boy personality lol. Although I am totally to blame for her being a complete diva!
Mommy and daddy love you babe girl your growing so fast and we can't wait to experience everything else coming our way! ♥♥

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