We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Keeping up!

"The struggles of today will one day be a distant memory, but your children are only children once, enjoy them!" Jamerrill Stewart

If you are a blogger or you read other mom's blogs you have probably noticed the few things I have. One: Their house is spotless and organized in 90% of their pictures, Two: they have what seems like a million and one hours in a day and Three: They tend to keep their lives pretty well organized. I sit her envious for a minute and then shake my head wondering where the hell they got these super mom powers, what they put in their coffee and where the hell can I get some!
I am constantly trying to remind myself just to breath, just to take a moment and enjoy every bit of this pregnancy and every bit of Anya, because before I know it I will be attempting to split my time between her and Jr. But lets be honest here, pregnant and chasing a toddler around is exhausting! I dont even know how I manage to function 90% of the time or how I even remember to feed myself let alone put some pants on in the morning. 

Keeping up with Anya is enough work on it's own I dont know how anyone manages to put on make up and do their hair with a toddler running around. The one day I decided to do something with my hair I turned around for a split second and she had opened the bathroom door, climbed up on the toilet and grabbed a hold of my hot straightener, of course making me feel like I deserve the mom of the year award right! Now I could set my alarm get up an hour before she does and organize my life, but come on we all know that the day I decide to do that she is going to think a 6AM wake up call is an awesome idea as well. So I go day in and day out looking like a zombie and longing for that hour in the afternoon that she will go down for a nap, and that's if she hasnt taken a 5 minute power nap in the car that apparently gives her the ability to go like the energizer bunny! 

I think I have sat down now 5 or 6 times in an attempt to finish this blog all while Anya is either napping or in bed but all I can think while sitting in front of my laptop is, wash and sanitize the bottles for Jr, organize his clothes, put away Anyas mess for the hundredth time today, oh ya it's been a week I should probably shower and I end up closing my laptop and saying the heck with it ill finish this another day. Now here I am a month later with the exact same blog post still not done and it bugs the crap out of me!! I dont know how any mom finds the time to sit and write a post once a day let alone once a week. 

Since finding out we are expecting again and Anya started walking i've learned a few things, first it really doesnt matter how clean my house is, second the weekly bump photos that I religiously took with Anya only remind me how fat and swollen I got so they really dont matter (although i'm still pretty good at remembering them even when its a day or two late), and last that as long as Anya continues to smile and laugh I will always be reminded that I am doing the best I can even if it looks like a tornado came through my house over and over again! 

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Sunday, 26 October 2014


"Shine bright little lady, never let anyone dull your shine!"


As you grow and I see the world your being brought up in it makes me so sad and worried. Sad that you will grow up in a generation where girls dress in mini skirts and crop tops by the time they are ten if not younger. Sad that having a cell phone by age 7 is normal, or that sitting in front of a TV or playing on an IPad is more entertaining than going to the park. I'm worried that you will be exposed to drugs and drinking before your able to drive a car. I'm worried that as you get older you'll sneak out with a change of clothes in your back pack just to hide it from your father and I. 

People tell me I'm stupid to think I can protect you from all these things. They tell me I'm crazy if I think sending you to a private school or driving a half hour outside the city everyday is going to change all the things I am so scared you'll be exposed to. They say that hiding all these things from you isn't going to do anything to help you in the future. I dont know why but your first birthday all of a sudden made all these things so important and as your mom I could careless if it will help you later or not if I can protect you from seeing those things now then I will!

Your one now your not my little baby anymore. Your walking, your talking and your such a little explorer. Your going to teach your little brother or sister so much your just so smart and I love watching you! Your still tiny only 18lbs but tall like daddy, 33inches! You love music and dancing! Mickey mouse is your favorite show! You love books and even read to Roxie! Your growing into such a strong willed determined little girl! I love watching your personality grow and seeing you turn into your own litter person! Dont ever forget how much your dad and I love you and that no matter what we will always be here for you! 

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Friday, 19 September 2014

And then there were two!

"The only thing that will be better than being married to my best friend is raising two kids given to me by him!"

"Holy crap are you guys crazy", "Did you plan this", I'm sure the question has been in everyone's mind but aside from family no one really has the guts to ask, and really who wants to upset an emotional pregnant Amanda anyways! So I'll take the ease off for you all and just answer the question the best I can! We arent stupid we know how babies are made and unfortunately we also know what it feels like to experience loss and know the struggle of trying to have a baby. So I'm not going to say that yes we planned this baby, cause if i said we planned this that would be a lie, but I'm also not going to say that this was a complete surprise. It was surprising that it didnt take two years to get pregnant again yess but was it surprising that when we didnt prevent having a baby we found out we were having a baby no. To be honest if you dont prevent having a baby and are surprised when you get pregnant your an idiot! 

So putting that all aside two kids UNDER two, yeah we are crazy! We are going to be busy we probably wont have a life for a while or see anyone unless they come over, but hey ill be real that's kind of my life now anyways! And well as much as I say we are crazy I cant even begin to explain how excited I am, and well I hope I speak for John as well when I say that! There was a time, i'll admit, when we found out and my dr told me there was a huge possibility we were having twins that i thought I might die, as I am sure John did too although I have a feeling he kind of wished that upon me lol! It took a bit to let that news sink in but didnt take long for that fear to turn into pure joy one or two babies (yes we are only having ONE baby) as long as it/ they were healthy that is all that mattered to me! i'll also admit that Anya was probably 6 months old when I told John I wanted to have another baby, He told me I was crazy! He really didnt need to I already know I am! I dont think I was ready for a baby at that point I just had REALLY bad baby fever. Anya had just started moving around and sleeping through the night I felt like I was losing my little baby, I know that's meant to happen. I can say this much that if I wasnt currently pregnant John would be in trouble. I'd be that crazy trying to have a baby wife I was before we had Anya because of how fast she grew in the blink of an eye. 

None the less, putting John and I aside I am soooo excited to have this baby and see Anya with her sibling. We will be finding out if this baby is a boy or girl, Nov 2014, and we are hoping for a boy seeing as this WILL be our last baby. I know I will most likely encounter baby fever again but this pregnancy has been way different than Anya's. I feel sick 24/7, why they call it morning sickness is beyond me, I have zero energy to do anything at all and I cry all the time even when some commercials come on. I feel beyond blessed and I am by no means complaining, symptoms are all signs things are progressing, but I think two kids is perfect birth control has already been a convo I've had with my dr! I have a feeling this journey is going to be a long one and I can only hope that the end of my pregnancy doesnt end up as eventful as my last, but I cant wait to meet this little one and for our family to be complete! <3 

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Monday, 15 September 2014

11 Months and on the move!

"The first steps a baby takes are into your heart."

11 Months old and I say this every month but, where the heck has the time gone?!

Your gorgeous baby girl and you make our life complete! Every day teaching us something new about who you will be and teach us about who we are becoming! You learn more and more every day it just blows my mind! Moving like crazy and starting to walk it's unbelievable how fast its all happening! 

Tall and slim Anya still fits in 6 month clothes she can even wear 3-6 month onesies and shorts. The only thing she wears that corresponds with her age is sleepers and that is only cause she is to tall to fit in anything smaller but she still swims in them. She currently has two bottom teeth and is breaking in a few on the top! John and I leave for Miami on Sept 1st and I am sure that by the time we get back she will have more teeth and be full on walking! She's crazy busy and so amazing to watch grow everyday! I cant wait for all to come! :D

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

10 month update!

"I Hope your adventure through this world is as beautiful as you are!"

10 month update almost a full month late... ops lol. 

10 months old and growing like a weed! Anya is tall, she for sure gets that from her daddy, and tiny like her mommy! If it wasnt for her length she would still be in size 3-6 month clothes. She weighs approx 16lbs and is 29 inches in length! She has one tooth that has finally decided to make an appearance and ill let you in on a little secret, teething sucks for both her and I! She still eats everything we give her and is a lover of slurpees, i blame her daddy for that one! 

Anya is a mobile monster and has started to take a few steps on her own wont be long now before she is full out walking! I really hope she starts before John and I leave for holidays Sept 1st. She climbs on everything and anything she is able to, and we still havent baby proofed our house. :S But I have a bit of a philosophy, I'll keep you posted if its still working next month, I am beginning to think when you baby proof it attracts them to the things that you dont want them to do but with things not baby proofed they dont even notice or care. She doesnt try to open the cupboards or draws, although she has seen me do it a thousand times and I am sure she could if she tried. I for sure let you know if it keeps working! 

She has so much attitude I dont even know where it all comes from. If she wants something and you dont give it to her you will for sure hear it! She is typically smiling and happy all the time and doesnt really play strange with anyone! As long as you make her the center of attention she is happy! 

Thanks for reading loves! 

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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A little honesty goes a long way!

"No one likes a liar"

People who personally know me know that I am probably one of the most brutally honest people out there! Even if I know it will hurt someone I always try to be as honest as I can be because 90% of the time its the right thing to do and the other 10% of the time I typically won't even respond unless they want to know how I truly feel or what I truly think. Some of my friends opt to not even tell me things on occasion cause they know I'll be honest with them and they just don't want to hear it.

So it bring me to this WHY?
Why lie?
Why hurt people with your dishonesty?
Why not just say how you really feel?
Just WHY?!

I was recently talking with some people and had them lie to me, no they dont know that I know they were being dishonest with me. Since having that conversation its been eating me up inside just wanting these people to share their honest and true feelings with me. It is way more hurtful to know you aren't sharing your true thoughts and feeling with me than it would be knowing how you really feel! Your probably wanting to know why I don't just ask, cause honestly I don't think I should have to. In my books if someone doesn't want to be open and honest with me than why are they even my friend? Your supposed to be able to trust your friends and know that when you go to them they are ALWAYS going to tell you how they truly feel and what they honestly think.

So next time you feel the need to lie or be dishonest, even a little lie that you think isn't going to hurt someone or that you are "sparing" their feeling by not being honest, give your flipping head a shake cause news flash sweet heart your only making yourself look like a fool!

Just a little food for thought! ♥

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Thursday, 10 July 2014

9 Months!!

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine."
What do you mean she's 9 months old? Can we freeze time please!

I have been delaying the update cause Anya had her 9month appointment yesterday so I wanted to wait till I had her weight! Oh and taking her 9month photos felt impossible! She just wanted to rip the sticker off her shirt the entire time.

Anya is still so tiny weighing in at 15.5lbs. I didn't get her height but she's pretty tall! She has huge feet for her age size 4. She's still fits in 3-6 and 6 month clothes but they are typically not long enough so we have to get 9 months but than they are swimming on her waist we are in a bit of a sticky situation with her clothes right now.

She still eats everything we have given her and still has no teeth. She's a crawling climbing machine anything she can climb she will and keeping her on he main floor has become impossible, we really do need a baby gate! She still naps twice a day for about an hour each time and she sleeps from 7-7! It's nice that she sleeps through the night but I can't wait to go on holidays and sleep in!

She loves animals we took her to a petting zoo for Canada day and she was trying to kiss the goats! Yes she knows how to give kisses if you ask and she can also hug! She waves hi and by and claps her hands! We are now working on hi five!! Ripping up paper is her favorite thing to do currently! Or playing with whoever cell phone she can get ahold of!! Mommy is definitely her best friend and I'm sure she would be content if I held her 24/7.
Anya loves to be outside and with other kids! I really can't wait to go back to work and for her and Callum to hang out although I am sure they will be causing tons of trouble together! She still puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and it drives me CRAZY!! I'm so excited for all to come in the next three months and for her fist birthday!! Love you baby girl!

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Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Light The Night Auction!

"Things are about to get really good around here!"

Our team is so amazing and I just love it so much, I feel honored to participate in something with such amazing friends and family! I am super excited to say the time is finally here and the Calgary online auction will be starting tomorrow! There are tons of great items up for auction and if you are not local but would like to bid feel free to as long as your willing to pay shipping ANYONE can join in! https://www.facebook.com/groups/636368176432246/

I am very excited to be able to share all the items up for auction with you guy! we have 12 items up for auction which is less than what I hoped for but is way better than nothing and I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to put baskets together and make things to donate to the auction you are all truly amazing! 

-Donated by Sweet Rustiques we have a blue growth chart, awesome for a little boys room! Sweet Rustiques is a home based local business started by two friends who have a love for things rustic and vintage! Check out their facebook page for many more amazing items! 

-A very nice local lady who is with Jamberry Nails made this beautiful basket for the auction!

- If your ever in the area and needing esthetics done you should give Laura a call she does bridal make-up, gel nails, manis and pedis, and waxing! Located in SE calgary and her business number is 403-809-8959. She donated a gift certificate for a gel nail manicure and a eye brow wax! 

- If you have ever heard of Younique make-up you know that it's highly spoken of and has amazing reviews! Soumeya who so kindly had the online younique party for me with proceeds going towards our team, Rainbow Lights, also donated a set of the 3D Mascara by Younique! 

-I had a very nice young lady donate and put together a Steeped Tea gift basket for me! The basket is filled with a bunch of awesome items like a heart shaped teacup and saucer, a charm infuser ball, a gift certificate and a bunch of different teas! To check out more of their products you can check out Mary's store

-Another local home based business, Creations by Lorna, donated some beautiful handmade cup cozies that have the blood cancer ribbon on them!  She is very talented and I suggest checking out her page! 

-Linda Beny from Uppercase Living donated a super cool wood sign that says "a meal without wine is called breakfast" She makes and sells some amazing things! 

-Maristella from festive favors donated an absolutely beautiful summer basket with over $100 worth of goodies in it for the summer! She also makes tons of different kinds of cute baskets for all sorts of occasions! 

-My wonderful friend Jaclyn made another super cute gift box of stuff from Jamberry! 

Shaunna from Black Box Boutique made up a wonderful little gift bag full of some very nice items.

And last item is a gift certificate from Debbie with Sweet Treat Parties she made a very generous donation with a value of $200!

I really hope you guys come and bid on some of these amazing items!!! 

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Saturday, 7 June 2014

kicking Cancers Butt, One Step At a Time!

"Together we Can, Together we Will!"
So I wanted to give everyone a bit of an update about how our team is doing with raising funds for the Light The Night walk for Cancer!
The BC Auction just ended raising $3250!! That is so amazing guys and I thank everyone so much for taking the time to bid on things and helping our team get that much closer to our goal! Today the Edmonton addition of the auction started and will end on the 14th!! If you haven't yet you definitely need to click this link and head over to the page and start bidding!!
Please ensure you read all rules and sign (write your full name in the comments) to show You agree and understand!
Right now there is also a online younique party that I am hosting with all proceeds earned donated to Light the Night! The party is going on till the 14th as well! Please head over to
https://www.youniqueproducts.com/SoumeyaMovaffagh/party/245774/view?autoplay=1#mediaDisplay?autoplay=1#mediaDisplay and check out all the amazing products they have! Share a link on your Facebook page, twitter or Instagram to have your friends join in too!!
I have also decided to do photo sessions with all proceeds donated to our team! You all know I love photography! I take pictures of Anya every chance I get! I am by no means a professional but for $75 you really can't go wrong!
Than last we have our Calgary auction/raffle going on! The auction will start on the 25th again with all proceeds donated to Light the night! The raffle will be held at a BBQ I will be hosting (date and location to be announced this week)! https://www.facebook.com/groups/636368176432246/ please follow our page to keep up to date and invite your friends! I am still accepting donations for the auction and the gift baskets for the raffle, if you would like to make a personal donation or if you know someone who may want to donate please let me know!
Thank you to everyone again! All those who are helping raise money, everyone who has donated to the cause and all those who have shared what we are doing with your friends and your families! As you all know this is very important to my family and I. It hits really close to home for us as we have already lost one family member and have had another diagnosed just over a year ago now. We thank and appreciate you guys and all you have done to help us!! Keep spreading the word! ♥♥

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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Tests... I've always hated those!

"You are what you eat! So don't be Fast, Cheap, Easy or Fake!" Unknown

It's a fit test day in my 90 day challenge and with this fit test marks day 45 half way through the challenge already, how exciting is that!!! I am going to share a few meal ideas with you guys in the post but before we do that I believe there is a test I need to address! 

So you've already learned I HATE tests even this one! It took me all morning to get off my butt and do today's work out and I am still sitting here writing this blog post as opposed to doing my fit test... Ok gotta get this butt in gear!  

Ok I finally got off my butt so here the results are
Did each workout for 1 min completing as many as I could! 
Speed Squats 48
High Knees 90
Push Ups 28
Squat Jumps 39
Tricep Dips 30
Burpees 18
Alternating Lunges 36
Elbow Plank 1 min Hold (yes I know I did worse on this!) 

Compared to last time I did pretty awesome! This was my first fit tests results
Speed Squats 24
High Knees 50
Push Ups 23
Squat Jumps 24
Tricep Dips 23
Burpees 11
Alternating Lunges 19
Elbow Plank 1 min 5 seconds hold

So Fit test is done! Now to share some delicious meal ideas with you guys! 
Eggs with whole wheat toast and fresh fruit! 
Eggs are an amazing way to start the day they are full of protein and nutrients that help kick start your day! 
No one really enjoys salad but trust me there are tons of Salads out there that are so good and healthy that you will want to have one every day! 
My personal favorite 
Taco Salad! (Lets me honest everyone LOVES tacos!)
When I have already indulged in carbs for one of my meals in the day (toast at breakfast) I try to avoid carbs for my other meals and if I do have carbs I try to make it a good kind.
one of my favorite dinners that I make at home is Bacon wrapped chicken with any grilled veggie! Delicious! Really I would probably love anything that has bacon on it and has been cooked on the BBQ! 

Hope you guys enjoyed my little update! 
Happy Hump Day! <3

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Monday, 2 June 2014

Little Miss A is 8 months old!!

"Such a BIG miracle in such a little girl!" Unknown
Yes I know this mommas been slacking! But here it is, Anya's 8 month update!
I honestly don't even know where to start here I feel like she grew up in the blink of an eye so much changed this past month!
We started feeding her anything we are eating and she has loved it all so far! No more baby food! Yay! Her favorite snack is yogurt drops! She has learned what the dog food and water is she really enjoys them both as I'm sure you can imagine! She has all figured out that if she drops food on the floor the dogs will eat it. They know they aren't aloud so they just stare at me while she throws it on the floor and yells for them to come eat it.
She's on the move!!!
Yup totally thought she would skip crawling cause she stands and walks so well but no she can definitely crawl! Once she figured that one out there was no stopping her! She not can pull herself up on pretty much anything she can get a grip on. She climbs the stairs, john and I definitely need to invest in a baby gate lol, you can't even leave the room for 5 seconds or turn your back for that matter cause if you do upstairs she goes!
She loves the shoes and the front mirror in the house and of course the door stops, who didn't like those things as a baby!
She can walk with her walker that her Uncle Stephen got her! She still only says dada and daddy, although she has said mama once! She is a chatter box though and always has a story to tell, I already know she gets that from me! She loves to climb in the table and well she gets stuck I find it pretty entertaining although she hates that I laugh at her every time! We no longer get use of her jumper so its time to pack that away!

I can't believe how big you've gotten and how much you have changed in the past month! I am so proud of you and all you can do, although it breaks my heart at the same time! I want to say your slowly turning into a little lady but well there is nothing slow about this process at all and it drives me crazy how fast it is all happening! But every day I wake up and look forward to all the exploring you'll will do that day and all the new things you will learn, and every day it brings more joy to my heart! Love you to the moon and back Anya!
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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

36 down 54 to go!!

"Learn to work through the pain then push HARDER!"
I can hardly believe that its already been a month since I started working out! We were supposed to do a 30 day weigh in and measurements but, confession time, I definitely didn't. I was sick and worked three days last week and boy did it kick my butt! Although I absolutely loved sending time with the kids and it gave me clarification that I really want to go back, just not yet! I am going to take the next four months and enjoy every minute have alone with Anya. But I will admit seeing her with the kids out the biggest smile on my face, she totally loves being with them! Anyways, there I go getting off topic again lol, I jumped back on a he bikini body mommy train today and did my one month weigh in and measurements!
The Results
Weight: 127.5lbs
Bust: 33 inches
Belly: 32 inches
Hips: 33 inches
Butt: 40 inches
so that's the update guys! I'm definitely feeling way more energetic and stronger, definitely didn't realize how weak I am lol. Let me know your thoughts and if you want to join in on the amazing journey!! :)
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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Never thought I'd have a 'social' life

"Good friends are like starts you don't always see them but you know they are there!"
Have you ever wondered why someone made online dating or any social media site for that matter? Have you ever thought "why not just meet someone the old fashion way" or "why do people care so much about someone they dont even know"?
I have always been pretty socially awkward and I'm pretty out there or as my husband would say a little crazy, which I really can't deny! But never in my life did I think id have relationships outside of the ones I have here with me on a daily basis. I never thought id ever seek comfort in people I don't know or feel hurt when they are hurting. I honestly always thought it was kind of weird when people sought friendships or relationships online.
After having my miscarriage I didn't have one person close to me that could understand the feelings I was having and what I was going through so I sought out comfort else where, ya that's right social media! I joined baby center in May of 2012 and started meeting other woman who were or had gone through exactly what I was going through and knew how I was feeling. Having people, although not physically with me, understand what I was going through and clarify that everything I was feeling was ok to feel made the process WAY easier.
By September of that year I had formed bonds and relationship with people that I now would consider some of my closest friends. We formed our own private FB group and have become closer and closer over the past few years sharing things that even our closest family members typically dont know. We've all felt heart break and lose, some a lot more than others, and we have all been there to help mend broken hearts as best we can from a far. We've shared so much joy watching each other grow and become strong powerful woman and mom's! I wouldn't trade these friendships I have for anything in the world.
I have met a few in personal and hopefully will get to meet them all! There is no awkwardness or silence when we meet its honestly like we've known each other our whole lives, and well let's face it when you have shared the things we have there is nothing you can really hide lol. We have all been there to support each other through trying to have a baby as well as watched, I am happy to say almost all of us, become amazing moms! I can't wait to watch every one of them get their miracle baby and grow a belly and become the amazing mom I know they will be!!
While trying to have a baby I had MANY (when I say many I mean more then 5) friends and family announce their pregnancies every time feeling more and more defeat wanting to know when I was going to be blessed with a baby. And I won't lie I resented everyone of them for it. But something about the friendships I have with these ladies is different we bond on a different level. I never once felt anything but happiness for everyone of them that got pregnant before I did. I would even be excited for them and sometimes shed a tear two. Maybe its the fact that we have all gone through similar things I don't know but their success in getting pregnant was far more exciting for me than anyone else I have in my life!
We all always remind each other how much we care about each other and that we are always there in whatever way we can help! But I want you all to know, I don't need to post names they know who they are, that I really do love you all. That every day you all cross my mind at least once. Every day I hope that everyone of you that has gone through the hurt and heartache of trying to conceive is blessed with the most beautiful healthy baby. I feel so blessed to have you guys in my life and call you my friends you are all truly amazing you just need to know that! ♥♥♥

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Bikini Body What!?!

"You won't get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have!" Unknown

So I started a 90 day workout challenge that I am very excited about, anyone who has me on Instagram or Facebook knows this! The challenge is called Bikini Body Mommy started by a mom named Briana she has a website if you want to check it out, www.bikinibodymommy.com  I made a group that is closed on FB and there are actually a lot of mom's doing it with me! We all support and motivate each other I love it!!
Moment of honesty:
I'm gonna admit I've been slacking and I'm on day 20 so a little late on this post! I was also kind of struggling not sure if I wanted to share this journey or not. But after much thought, I will be sharing this journey with you guys! I will give you guys an update once a month till the end of the challenge!!
So my goal is to look good for our cruise in September, we are FINALLY taking our honeymoon, only took 3 years! My main focus is my bum and legs and just toning I don't really need to lose weight I'm at a pretty good weight for my height!
Day 1 weigh in and measurements!
Height, 5'2
Weight, 129lbs
Bust, 35 1/2 inches
Waist, 35 inches
Belly, 33 1/2 inches
Bum, 41 inches
Ignore my ugly knees please!
We also did a fit test on day one that we will be doing a few times through the challenge so ill share that progress as well!
Day 1 Fitness Test
Speed Squats, 24 in a min
High Knees, 50 in a min
Push Up's, 23 in a min
Squat Jumps, 24 in a min
Tricep Dips, 23 in a min
Burmese, 11 in a min
Alternating Lunges, 19 in a min
Elbow Plank, Held for 1min 5secons
Those triceps dips REALLY suck by the way!
So that's my first 90 day challenge entry! Any questions let me know!
I'm totally going to own this challenge!

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Monday, 5 May 2014


To Much Information....
Here are my answers to the 50 questions from the popular TMI tag (:
1: What are you wearing? 
Sweats and a T-Shirt

2. Ever been in love?
Yes, & still am!

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Ya, a few to many lol

4: How tall are you?
5ft 2 I know I'm short!

5: How much do you weigh?

6: Any tattoos?
Yes, two fairies on my right ankle. Id like to get my whole calf done!

7: Any piercings?
Three in each ear and my tongue

8: OTP?
John and I obviously

9: Favorite show?
Sons of Anarchy

10: Favorite bands?
Umm band?! Favorite DJ Afro Jack

11: Something you miss?
My friends back home.

12: Favorite song?
Ten feet tall

13: How old are you?
The big quarter of a century, 25!

14: Zodiac sign?
I'm a Libra, can't you tell lol

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
A lot!.

16: Favorite Quote?
If at first you don't succeed try, try again

17: Favorite actor?
I don't really have one

18: Favorite color?

19: Loud music or soft?
Loud, is there really any other way?!

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Depends what I'm sad about.

21: How long does it take you to shower?
10 minutes unless I gotta shave my legs

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
A couple minutes. No more than five Minute.

23: Ever been in a physical fight?

24: Turn on?
Hands and a good personality

25: Turn off?

26: The reason I joined Youtube?
To subscribe to my favorite channels!

27: Fears?
Big losing John or Anya. Small spiders

28: Last thing that made you cry?
Long island medium

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
When I put Anya down for a nap a hour ago.

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
I don't even know what it is lol.

31: Last book you read?
The last book of the fallen series.

32: The book you’re currently reading?
None I don't read books read blogs lol.

33: Last show you watched?
Currently just finished Sofia the first with Anya

34: Last person you talked to?
John. Unless you wanna include Anya then her.

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My best friend

36: Favorite food?
Food spring rolls and stir fry junk anything sweet

37: Place you want to visit?

38: Last place you were?
Hmmm I walked to the mailbox 😏

39: Do you have a crush?
Ya, his name starts with a J.

40: Last time you kissed someone?
I Kissed Anya like two seconds ago but if she doesn't count then John when he left for work.

41: Last time you were insulted?
umm unless behind my back I would say years ago

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Banana or watermelon

43: What instruments do you play??
Does the recorder count?

44: Favorite piece of jewellery?
My Engagement ring.

45: Last sport you played?
Sports..:..:. that is all.....

46: Last song you sang?
Probably Some Disney Jr song.

47: Favorite chat up line?
I seen it the other day "I hope your day is as nice as your butt"

48: Have you ever used it?
Nope but it makes me giggle.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Lauren yesterday

50: Who should answer these questions next?
Samantha Childers (soon to be Cotham) 😊😊 - www.parkersmami.blogspot.com
Learn anything new?!
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