We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Friday, 21 February 2014

Make a Mess ♥ Guest post by Erin♥♥

My husband and I bought a 4 bedroom house when we were childless with every intention of filling it.  When I slow down and look at the gifts my older daughter, Q, has given us, I see she has turned this "house" into a "home."  It sounds very cliché, but after seeing her have a non-febrile seizure one evening, I see it for exactly what it is.  Windows don't just let light in, they are looking glasses to finding the moon, peeking at rain or snow storms and waiting for mommy or daddy or Nana to arrive.  The area rug in our family room doesn't just "anchor" the room, it provides a cushiony spot between hardwood and bums for sitting and playing…or spilling cheese, milk, juice, and crumbs of every variety. 
 In fact, all carpet is meant for play, whether it be rolling on, wrestling on, or being tickled by her favourite play mate, her daddy.  Shiny stainless steel can't last 15 mins after being cleaned without smudges and tiny handprints…I love those tiny hands.  We started out with one nursery and a guest bedroom but now we are blessed with TWO little girl, princess rooms.  My walls are marked, my hardwood is dented, all of my cooking utensils or kitchen accessories that are at Q's level have been licked, yes, licked at some point and put back by her, without washing.  My house is my home.  It is where little feet run, and adventures and fun happen.  I don't give a damn about late nights out or people who are too "busy" to visit.  I am here, living my dream and my door is always open for the people who are real and love me and can appreciate what I'm doing here.  I don't need weekends away for a "break."  As crazy, hectic, exhausting child-rearing is, I didn't decide to take it on to leave it behind.  I am, will be, always be, here for my children during the night as long as they need me for comfort.  It is my promise to be "present" for them, and I love to breathe them in and re-live the adventure of being innocent.  Life to so beautiful when you stop and look at how simple it really is, and listen to your child breathe in and out as they sleep.  Today, I am a more devoted mom, writing this in hopes that you will take the time today to just play, and not worry about the smudges, the crumbs, and the new dent in your wall.  All this can be fixed when they grow-up.  ~Erin Burgoyne 


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