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Tuesday, 22 July 2014

A little honesty goes a long way!

"No one likes a liar"

People who personally know me know that I am probably one of the most brutally honest people out there! Even if I know it will hurt someone I always try to be as honest as I can be because 90% of the time its the right thing to do and the other 10% of the time I typically won't even respond unless they want to know how I truly feel or what I truly think. Some of my friends opt to not even tell me things on occasion cause they know I'll be honest with them and they just don't want to hear it.

So it bring me to this WHY?
Why lie?
Why hurt people with your dishonesty?
Why not just say how you really feel?
Just WHY?!

I was recently talking with some people and had them lie to me, no they dont know that I know they were being dishonest with me. Since having that conversation its been eating me up inside just wanting these people to share their honest and true feelings with me. It is way more hurtful to know you aren't sharing your true thoughts and feeling with me than it would be knowing how you really feel! Your probably wanting to know why I don't just ask, cause honestly I don't think I should have to. In my books if someone doesn't want to be open and honest with me than why are they even my friend? Your supposed to be able to trust your friends and know that when you go to them they are ALWAYS going to tell you how they truly feel and what they honestly think.

So next time you feel the need to lie or be dishonest, even a little lie that you think isn't going to hurt someone or that you are "sparing" their feeling by not being honest, give your flipping head a shake cause news flash sweet heart your only making yourself look like a fool!

Just a little food for thought! ♥

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