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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Keeping up!

"The struggles of today will one day be a distant memory, but your children are only children once, enjoy them!" Jamerrill Stewart

If you are a blogger or you read other mom's blogs you have probably noticed the few things I have. One: Their house is spotless and organized in 90% of their pictures, Two: they have what seems like a million and one hours in a day and Three: They tend to keep their lives pretty well organized. I sit her envious for a minute and then shake my head wondering where the hell they got these super mom powers, what they put in their coffee and where the hell can I get some!
I am constantly trying to remind myself just to breath, just to take a moment and enjoy every bit of this pregnancy and every bit of Anya, because before I know it I will be attempting to split my time between her and Jr. But lets be honest here, pregnant and chasing a toddler around is exhausting! I dont even know how I manage to function 90% of the time or how I even remember to feed myself let alone put some pants on in the morning. 

Keeping up with Anya is enough work on it's own I dont know how anyone manages to put on make up and do their hair with a toddler running around. The one day I decided to do something with my hair I turned around for a split second and she had opened the bathroom door, climbed up on the toilet and grabbed a hold of my hot straightener, of course making me feel like I deserve the mom of the year award right! Now I could set my alarm get up an hour before she does and organize my life, but come on we all know that the day I decide to do that she is going to think a 6AM wake up call is an awesome idea as well. So I go day in and day out looking like a zombie and longing for that hour in the afternoon that she will go down for a nap, and that's if she hasnt taken a 5 minute power nap in the car that apparently gives her the ability to go like the energizer bunny! 

I think I have sat down now 5 or 6 times in an attempt to finish this blog all while Anya is either napping or in bed but all I can think while sitting in front of my laptop is, wash and sanitize the bottles for Jr, organize his clothes, put away Anyas mess for the hundredth time today, oh ya it's been a week I should probably shower and I end up closing my laptop and saying the heck with it ill finish this another day. Now here I am a month later with the exact same blog post still not done and it bugs the crap out of me!! I dont know how any mom finds the time to sit and write a post once a day let alone once a week. 

Since finding out we are expecting again and Anya started walking i've learned a few things, first it really doesnt matter how clean my house is, second the weekly bump photos that I religiously took with Anya only remind me how fat and swollen I got so they really dont matter (although i'm still pretty good at remembering them even when its a day or two late), and last that as long as Anya continues to smile and laugh I will always be reminded that I am doing the best I can even if it looks like a tornado came through my house over and over again! 

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