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Thursday, 10 July 2014

9 Months!!

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine."
What do you mean she's 9 months old? Can we freeze time please!

I have been delaying the update cause Anya had her 9month appointment yesterday so I wanted to wait till I had her weight! Oh and taking her 9month photos felt impossible! She just wanted to rip the sticker off her shirt the entire time.

Anya is still so tiny weighing in at 15.5lbs. I didn't get her height but she's pretty tall! She has huge feet for her age size 4. She's still fits in 3-6 and 6 month clothes but they are typically not long enough so we have to get 9 months but than they are swimming on her waist we are in a bit of a sticky situation with her clothes right now.

She still eats everything we have given her and still has no teeth. She's a crawling climbing machine anything she can climb she will and keeping her on he main floor has become impossible, we really do need a baby gate! She still naps twice a day for about an hour each time and she sleeps from 7-7! It's nice that she sleeps through the night but I can't wait to go on holidays and sleep in!

She loves animals we took her to a petting zoo for Canada day and she was trying to kiss the goats! Yes she knows how to give kisses if you ask and she can also hug! She waves hi and by and claps her hands! We are now working on hi five!! Ripping up paper is her favorite thing to do currently! Or playing with whoever cell phone she can get ahold of!! Mommy is definitely her best friend and I'm sure she would be content if I held her 24/7.
Anya loves to be outside and with other kids! I really can't wait to go back to work and for her and Callum to hang out although I am sure they will be causing tons of trouble together! She still puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and it drives me CRAZY!! I'm so excited for all to come in the next three months and for her fist birthday!! Love you baby girl!

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