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Monday, 2 June 2014

Little Miss A is 8 months old!!

"Such a BIG miracle in such a little girl!" Unknown
Yes I know this mommas been slacking! But here it is, Anya's 8 month update!
I honestly don't even know where to start here I feel like she grew up in the blink of an eye so much changed this past month!
We started feeding her anything we are eating and she has loved it all so far! No more baby food! Yay! Her favorite snack is yogurt drops! She has learned what the dog food and water is she really enjoys them both as I'm sure you can imagine! She has all figured out that if she drops food on the floor the dogs will eat it. They know they aren't aloud so they just stare at me while she throws it on the floor and yells for them to come eat it.
She's on the move!!!
Yup totally thought she would skip crawling cause she stands and walks so well but no she can definitely crawl! Once she figured that one out there was no stopping her! She not can pull herself up on pretty much anything she can get a grip on. She climbs the stairs, john and I definitely need to invest in a baby gate lol, you can't even leave the room for 5 seconds or turn your back for that matter cause if you do upstairs she goes!
She loves the shoes and the front mirror in the house and of course the door stops, who didn't like those things as a baby!
She can walk with her walker that her Uncle Stephen got her! She still only says dada and daddy, although she has said mama once! She is a chatter box though and always has a story to tell, I already know she gets that from me! She loves to climb in the table and well she gets stuck I find it pretty entertaining although she hates that I laugh at her every time! We no longer get use of her jumper so its time to pack that away!

I can't believe how big you've gotten and how much you have changed in the past month! I am so proud of you and all you can do, although it breaks my heart at the same time! I want to say your slowly turning into a little lady but well there is nothing slow about this process at all and it drives me crazy how fast it is all happening! But every day I wake up and look forward to all the exploring you'll will do that day and all the new things you will learn, and every day it brings more joy to my heart! Love you to the moon and back Anya!
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