We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

I guess it's time for an update!

So I guess its time to catch you guys up on life! It has been about five months so ill split the details between today and tomorrow. Today ill update you on my third trimester and how my delivery went (if baby was a boy or girl!) and tomorrow ill update you on how life has been with the baby!!

So last time I posted I was in my 31st week and things were going good. A LOT changed since that post LoL. A few days after posting I was experiencing a lot of Braxton hicks that started to worry the Dr so they took me off work early. Luckily my work had disability so I didn't have to start mat leave early! :)
At that point in time I felt awesome and was still loving every bit of my pregnancy!!

Around 34 weeks I started to feel less and less movements from the baby and was constantly being sent to the hospital because of it. On one of my trips to the hospital they learned that I had high blood pressure that was not going down at all only up. I was put on bed rest and had a home care nurse come and take my blood pressure every day. My Dr really wanted me to make it to 37 weeks so we could almost avoid the possibility of the baby being in the NICU.

On Sept 25th, 36wks, I woke up and took what I didn't know at the time would be my very last belly picture. :(

Through the morning while getting ready for the home care nurse I started to get a sharp pain on my right side under my ribs. By the time the nurse arrived I could hardly handle the pain. She had me explain what was going on and immediately sent me to the hospital. I had johns sister come and get me as she was the closest person to me. The nurse had me take my hospital bag and told me there was a high chance id be induced that day.

On our way to the hospital I called John, his mom and my parents to let them know what was going on. I hoped and I prayed I wasn't having that baby that day. I didn't want to have to tell my child that their birthday was the same day as the anniversary of their grandpa passing away.

Johns sister stayed with me all day while I had multiple test done and sat around A LOT LoL. John finally got there at about 4 maybe even before 4. We had an OB come in to go over all my tests with me. He told us that there were traces of an infection in my body and that he felt the best choice was for me to be induced. John and I both agreed with his choice.

I had cervadil inserted at 7pm on Sept 25th and was told it could take several hours for anything to happen but that I needed to stay there to be monitored because of my blood pressure. They sent john home that night because visiting hours were over. I was really upset about that and didn't like that they wouldn't let him stay at all.

Sept 26th I woke up at 4am in pain. I told them I was having contractions and my husband needed to come back. so they hooked me up to the monitors and I was having contractions but I wasn't having them regular enough to be considered labor so John couldn't come back. I was up till 7am, when John got there, in pain and connected to the monitors. About an hour after he got there I fell back asleep. He wasn't very happy about that LoL.

I woke up at 10am when my doula arrived and my dr came in to check me. I was 3cm dilated and she was able to break my water! She let me know that I still probably wouldn't have the baby till after dinner. They moved me into a labor room and hooked me up to a drug called pitocin that was supposed to increase my contractions. It was now 12. Oh I should probably add that I really wanted a drug free labor! :)

So you need to know before you go on that no matter what I try and tell you labor is like unless you have had a baby you'll never understand. I can't tell you its painful or that its not. I can't tell you that pushing is hard or that its easy. It's really all unexplainable. You honestly need to go through it to understand exactly what its like.

I went through some pretty intense contractions and around 3pm finally told them I caved and needed to get something. They told me they had to check me first and then they would tell me what I could have. They informed me that it was way to late and I was ready to have a baby!! :) 

I pushed for about 20 min and at 3:19pm we welcomed a little baby GIRL into the world!

John and I were very happy to announce the birth of our baby girl Anya Kathrine Marie Darker Weighing 5lbs 13oz and 19 inches long born Sept 26th at 3:19pm! She was very healthy and we were sent home within 24 hours of me having her! Amazing considering she was a month early!


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