We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Friday, 19 September 2014

And then there were two!

"The only thing that will be better than being married to my best friend is raising two kids given to me by him!"

"Holy crap are you guys crazy", "Did you plan this", I'm sure the question has been in everyone's mind but aside from family no one really has the guts to ask, and really who wants to upset an emotional pregnant Amanda anyways! So I'll take the ease off for you all and just answer the question the best I can! We arent stupid we know how babies are made and unfortunately we also know what it feels like to experience loss and know the struggle of trying to have a baby. So I'm not going to say that yes we planned this baby, cause if i said we planned this that would be a lie, but I'm also not going to say that this was a complete surprise. It was surprising that it didnt take two years to get pregnant again yess but was it surprising that when we didnt prevent having a baby we found out we were having a baby no. To be honest if you dont prevent having a baby and are surprised when you get pregnant your an idiot! 

So putting that all aside two kids UNDER two, yeah we are crazy! We are going to be busy we probably wont have a life for a while or see anyone unless they come over, but hey ill be real that's kind of my life now anyways! And well as much as I say we are crazy I cant even begin to explain how excited I am, and well I hope I speak for John as well when I say that! There was a time, i'll admit, when we found out and my dr told me there was a huge possibility we were having twins that i thought I might die, as I am sure John did too although I have a feeling he kind of wished that upon me lol! It took a bit to let that news sink in but didnt take long for that fear to turn into pure joy one or two babies (yes we are only having ONE baby) as long as it/ they were healthy that is all that mattered to me! i'll also admit that Anya was probably 6 months old when I told John I wanted to have another baby, He told me I was crazy! He really didnt need to I already know I am! I dont think I was ready for a baby at that point I just had REALLY bad baby fever. Anya had just started moving around and sleeping through the night I felt like I was losing my little baby, I know that's meant to happen. I can say this much that if I wasnt currently pregnant John would be in trouble. I'd be that crazy trying to have a baby wife I was before we had Anya because of how fast she grew in the blink of an eye. 

None the less, putting John and I aside I am soooo excited to have this baby and see Anya with her sibling. We will be finding out if this baby is a boy or girl, Nov 2014, and we are hoping for a boy seeing as this WILL be our last baby. I know I will most likely encounter baby fever again but this pregnancy has been way different than Anya's. I feel sick 24/7, why they call it morning sickness is beyond me, I have zero energy to do anything at all and I cry all the time even when some commercials come on. I feel beyond blessed and I am by no means complaining, symptoms are all signs things are progressing, but I think two kids is perfect birth control has already been a convo I've had with my dr! I have a feeling this journey is going to be a long one and I can only hope that the end of my pregnancy doesnt end up as eventful as my last, but I cant wait to meet this little one and for our family to be complete! <3 

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Monday, 15 September 2014

11 Months and on the move!

"The first steps a baby takes are into your heart."

11 Months old and I say this every month but, where the heck has the time gone?!

Your gorgeous baby girl and you make our life complete! Every day teaching us something new about who you will be and teach us about who we are becoming! You learn more and more every day it just blows my mind! Moving like crazy and starting to walk it's unbelievable how fast its all happening! 

Tall and slim Anya still fits in 6 month clothes she can even wear 3-6 month onesies and shorts. The only thing she wears that corresponds with her age is sleepers and that is only cause she is to tall to fit in anything smaller but she still swims in them. She currently has two bottom teeth and is breaking in a few on the top! John and I leave for Miami on Sept 1st and I am sure that by the time we get back she will have more teeth and be full on walking! She's crazy busy and so amazing to watch grow everyday! I cant wait for all to come! :D

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