We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

36 down 54 to go!!

"Learn to work through the pain then push HARDER!"
I can hardly believe that its already been a month since I started working out! We were supposed to do a 30 day weigh in and measurements but, confession time, I definitely didn't. I was sick and worked three days last week and boy did it kick my butt! Although I absolutely loved sending time with the kids and it gave me clarification that I really want to go back, just not yet! I am going to take the next four months and enjoy every minute have alone with Anya. But I will admit seeing her with the kids out the biggest smile on my face, she totally loves being with them! Anyways, there I go getting off topic again lol, I jumped back on a he bikini body mommy train today and did my one month weigh in and measurements!
The Results
Weight: 127.5lbs
Bust: 33 inches
Belly: 32 inches
Hips: 33 inches
Butt: 40 inches
so that's the update guys! I'm definitely feeling way more energetic and stronger, definitely didn't realize how weak I am lol. Let me know your thoughts and if you want to join in on the amazing journey!! :)
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Thursday, 15 May 2014

Never thought I'd have a 'social' life

"Good friends are like starts you don't always see them but you know they are there!"
Have you ever wondered why someone made online dating or any social media site for that matter? Have you ever thought "why not just meet someone the old fashion way" or "why do people care so much about someone they dont even know"?
I have always been pretty socially awkward and I'm pretty out there or as my husband would say a little crazy, which I really can't deny! But never in my life did I think id have relationships outside of the ones I have here with me on a daily basis. I never thought id ever seek comfort in people I don't know or feel hurt when they are hurting. I honestly always thought it was kind of weird when people sought friendships or relationships online.
After having my miscarriage I didn't have one person close to me that could understand the feelings I was having and what I was going through so I sought out comfort else where, ya that's right social media! I joined baby center in May of 2012 and started meeting other woman who were or had gone through exactly what I was going through and knew how I was feeling. Having people, although not physically with me, understand what I was going through and clarify that everything I was feeling was ok to feel made the process WAY easier.
By September of that year I had formed bonds and relationship with people that I now would consider some of my closest friends. We formed our own private FB group and have become closer and closer over the past few years sharing things that even our closest family members typically dont know. We've all felt heart break and lose, some a lot more than others, and we have all been there to help mend broken hearts as best we can from a far. We've shared so much joy watching each other grow and become strong powerful woman and mom's! I wouldn't trade these friendships I have for anything in the world.
I have met a few in personal and hopefully will get to meet them all! There is no awkwardness or silence when we meet its honestly like we've known each other our whole lives, and well let's face it when you have shared the things we have there is nothing you can really hide lol. We have all been there to support each other through trying to have a baby as well as watched, I am happy to say almost all of us, become amazing moms! I can't wait to watch every one of them get their miracle baby and grow a belly and become the amazing mom I know they will be!!
While trying to have a baby I had MANY (when I say many I mean more then 5) friends and family announce their pregnancies every time feeling more and more defeat wanting to know when I was going to be blessed with a baby. And I won't lie I resented everyone of them for it. But something about the friendships I have with these ladies is different we bond on a different level. I never once felt anything but happiness for everyone of them that got pregnant before I did. I would even be excited for them and sometimes shed a tear two. Maybe its the fact that we have all gone through similar things I don't know but their success in getting pregnant was far more exciting for me than anyone else I have in my life!
We all always remind each other how much we care about each other and that we are always there in whatever way we can help! But I want you all to know, I don't need to post names they know who they are, that I really do love you all. That every day you all cross my mind at least once. Every day I hope that everyone of you that has gone through the hurt and heartache of trying to conceive is blessed with the most beautiful healthy baby. I feel so blessed to have you guys in my life and call you my friends you are all truly amazing you just need to know that! ♥♥♥

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Saturday, 10 May 2014

Bikini Body What!?!

"You won't get the butt you want by sitting on the one you have!" Unknown

So I started a 90 day workout challenge that I am very excited about, anyone who has me on Instagram or Facebook knows this! The challenge is called Bikini Body Mommy started by a mom named Briana she has a website if you want to check it out, www.bikinibodymommy.com  I made a group that is closed on FB and there are actually a lot of mom's doing it with me! We all support and motivate each other I love it!!
Moment of honesty:
I'm gonna admit I've been slacking and I'm on day 20 so a little late on this post! I was also kind of struggling not sure if I wanted to share this journey or not. But after much thought, I will be sharing this journey with you guys! I will give you guys an update once a month till the end of the challenge!!
So my goal is to look good for our cruise in September, we are FINALLY taking our honeymoon, only took 3 years! My main focus is my bum and legs and just toning I don't really need to lose weight I'm at a pretty good weight for my height!
Day 1 weigh in and measurements!
Height, 5'2
Weight, 129lbs
Bust, 35 1/2 inches
Waist, 35 inches
Belly, 33 1/2 inches
Bum, 41 inches
Ignore my ugly knees please!
We also did a fit test on day one that we will be doing a few times through the challenge so ill share that progress as well!
Day 1 Fitness Test
Speed Squats, 24 in a min
High Knees, 50 in a min
Push Up's, 23 in a min
Squat Jumps, 24 in a min
Tricep Dips, 23 in a min
Burmese, 11 in a min
Alternating Lunges, 19 in a min
Elbow Plank, Held for 1min 5secons
Those triceps dips REALLY suck by the way!
So that's my first 90 day challenge entry! Any questions let me know!
I'm totally going to own this challenge!

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Monday, 5 May 2014


To Much Information....
Here are my answers to the 50 questions from the popular TMI tag (:
1: What are you wearing? 
Sweats and a T-Shirt

2. Ever been in love?
Yes, & still am!

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
Ya, a few to many lol

4: How tall are you?
5ft 2 I know I'm short!

5: How much do you weigh?

6: Any tattoos?
Yes, two fairies on my right ankle. Id like to get my whole calf done!

7: Any piercings?
Three in each ear and my tongue

8: OTP?
John and I obviously

9: Favorite show?
Sons of Anarchy

10: Favorite bands?
Umm band?! Favorite DJ Afro Jack

11: Something you miss?
My friends back home.

12: Favorite song?
Ten feet tall

13: How old are you?
The big quarter of a century, 25!

14: Zodiac sign?
I'm a Libra, can't you tell lol

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
A lot!.

16: Favorite Quote?
If at first you don't succeed try, try again

17: Favorite actor?
I don't really have one

18: Favorite color?

19: Loud music or soft?
Loud, is there really any other way?!

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
Depends what I'm sad about.

21: How long does it take you to shower?
10 minutes unless I gotta shave my legs

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
A couple minutes. No more than five Minute.

23: Ever been in a physical fight?

24: Turn on?
Hands and a good personality

25: Turn off?

26: The reason I joined Youtube?
To subscribe to my favorite channels!

27: Fears?
Big losing John or Anya. Small spiders

28: Last thing that made you cry?
Long island medium

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
When I put Anya down for a nap a hour ago.

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
I don't even know what it is lol.

31: Last book you read?
The last book of the fallen series.

32: The book you’re currently reading?
None I don't read books read blogs lol.

33: Last show you watched?
Currently just finished Sofia the first with Anya

34: Last person you talked to?
John. Unless you wanna include Anya then her.

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
My best friend

36: Favorite food?
Food spring rolls and stir fry junk anything sweet

37: Place you want to visit?

38: Last place you were?
Hmmm I walked to the mailbox 😏

39: Do you have a crush?
Ya, his name starts with a J.

40: Last time you kissed someone?
I Kissed Anya like two seconds ago but if she doesn't count then John when he left for work.

41: Last time you were insulted?
umm unless behind my back I would say years ago

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
Banana or watermelon

43: What instruments do you play??
Does the recorder count?

44: Favorite piece of jewellery?
My Engagement ring.

45: Last sport you played?
Sports..:..:. that is all.....

46: Last song you sang?
Probably Some Disney Jr song.

47: Favorite chat up line?
I seen it the other day "I hope your day is as nice as your butt"

48: Have you ever used it?
Nope but it makes me giggle.

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
Lauren yesterday

50: Who should answer these questions next?
Samantha Childers (soon to be Cotham) 😊😊 - www.parkersmami.blogspot.com
Learn anything new?!
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