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Thursday, 3 April 2014

Beacause being a mom is...

"Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else's happiness and well being ahead of your own. To teach the hard lessons to do the right thing, even when you don't know what the right thing is. And to forgive yourself over and over for doing everything wrong." Donna Bell
When you ask a mom what its like being a mom, they either tell you how great it is or how much it sucks. I always hear "being a mom is so hard" or "I love being a mom its amazing". Then there are moms who will tell you how much work being a mom is and about how much they give and do for their kids, not saying we don't give or do a lot for our children.
First I want you to know how much Anya has given and done for me! She has given me the opportunity to know what its like to feel unconditional love. She has given me the ability to feel emotions I didn't even know I had! Everyday she gives me a million and one reasons to smile. When I look at her I can see my whole world in her eyes! Every day she smiles and it fills my heart with so much love and joy! She has taught me what true patients really is. She has shown me what true beauty is and has given me the most amazing gift I could have ever asked for!
I have few friends and even a couple family members who know how much of a blessing being a mom really is. When I think of what being a mom really is, hard, exhausting, amazing or rewarding, are some of the last things that come to mind. When you become a mom your given many gifts.The gifts of life, unconditional love, happiness, and family. Being a mom is a gift that a lot of woman wait a very long time to receive, some that never get the chance! I love every bit of being a mom and am beyond grateful that I've been given such an amazing gift!
Because being a mom is... A GIFT! ♥♥

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