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Thursday, 6 February 2014

Inner Struggles.

"You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it!" Unknown
So I have been having this inner struggle for a while and I have decided to finally write about it! 
It wasn't long ago that I faced the struggle of trying to get pregnant and when I finally was blessed with a baby I thought that struggle would be over but now I struggle knowing there are so many people that go through the same struggle and have no one to talk to. I was lucky to be blessed with some amazing woman in my life that have gone through the same struggle and were there for me. But there are some woman and even men who sit and struggle all alone with this inner battle having no idea when it will end. Why is it that there are things that hurt us and that cause us pain everyday yet we feel we can't talk about it? Why is it that people make others feel like that can't open up or share how they are feeling and what they are going through?
The inner struggles that we go through are things that can break us down or they can make us stronger. When I was battling my inner struggle with trying to have a baby after I had a miscarriage I felt empty and alone. Although I had John who was beyond supportive it didn't matter cause inside I felt broken. It wasn't till I started to talk to people that I felt ok. I started to take that struggle I was facing and let it build me up instead of break me down. I hate the think that there are people who go through those inner struggles and don't have an outlet for it.
Writing has always been an amazing outlet for me so I have decided that I want to offer that same outlet to many others. I am making Friday guest post Friday and offering the opportunity for people to write about their inner struggles. If you would like to write a guest post feel free to email me! mandie5683@gmail.com You may also request to remain unknown if you'd like!


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