We are all playing the same game just on different levels, fighting in the same hell just different devils! Follow my family through life's many adventures!


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Thursday, 27 March 2014

Happy Half Birthday Anya

"From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my Heart!"
6 Months old guys can you believe it?! Feels like yesterday I was telling you we were having a baby now here I am almost ready to be chasing a baby! 
Anya just had her 6 month appointment and shots done and she weighs 14lbs 3oz and is 25 1/2 inches tall! She's officially in 6 month sleeper! She still wears some 3 month onsies but everything else is 3-6 months. She's super healthy and the dr's are really happy with how she is growing and developing! She was born with a bit of a flat spot and it hasn't got better or gone away so they are sending us to a specialist just waiting for the call!  
Anya eats pretty much anything I give her now although she hates anything green that I've tried so far. She can sit up all by herself and is trying so hard to figure our how to move. We have a huge feeling she will walk before she ever crawls. She is very observant of us and all she wants to do is stand and when she does she tries to walk. I think we are in trouble with this one guys! :P 
Sleeping seems to be almost non existence in our world right now. Anya is teething or something and she wakes up crying and must be in pain she just keeps chewing on her hands and it not at all cause she's hungry cause if I try to give her a bottle she doesnt drink it. Whatever it is I hope she grows out of it soon!
For her 6 month I did a little photo shoot of her! 

I'm so proud of the little girl Anya is becoming so far! She has the most amazing personality and it just seems to get bigger every day! Oh and the attitude I think her having that was a given! I just love the little person she is becoming so much!! 

These months just seem to be flying by as if I don't even have time to blink and she's already changed. A lot has been going on around me these days that has got me reflecting on life and the world Anya is growing up in. Sometimes I feel like wrapping her in a bubble or moving into the middle of no where so she never has to be exposed to the pain and suffering that's in the world today. I know I can't but I wish I could! She's growing so fast the next thing I know she will be coming home crying cause someone at school made fun of her, or because a boy broke her heart! I know I can't hide her from on those things, so for now I'll just protect her! 

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Monday, 24 March 2014

Blog Lovin'

I finally am hooking this up to my blog!!! Like my blog on bloglovin guys!!! Simply just click on the link above!!
If you too have a blog on bloglovin comment and let me know so I can follow you too! :) :)

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Best Friends♥♥♥

"Dear Best Friend, Please stay in my life forever because you're one of the best things to ever happen to me!" 

This post has taken me FOREVER to post. I cherish my relationship with these woman so much that's it's taken a while to find the right words or how to even start this post. But I came to the realization that no matter what I write and no matter what you guys read you'll never really know how truly amazing these woman are!
I really am lost for words, I still dont know how to start this post! These girls came into my life when I didn't really have anyone and took me in as if I had always been there! So to try and explain how important they are to me is hard!

When I met John and moved to Calgary I moved her to live with my childhood best friend. Things didn't quite go as either of us had planned and she ended up moving back home to Ontario, I hate that you live there by the way Sam! So after she left I didn't really have anyone that wasn't close to John first. There was a point in time when I felt pretty alone. Yes I did have John and I love him very much, but its always nice to have people you know are there for you! Through the 5 years that I've known these ladies there have definitely been times when we dont talk or see each other for weeks. There have even been people who have tried to come between us and rip our friendship apart. But I believe nothing will ever ruin the friendship we have built with each other!

Amber, Courtney, and Lauren are more like family to me then my best friends to be honest! They have seen me through many hard times in my life and have always made sure I've come out on top! And yes I have other friends who I care very dearly about two who live across the country even. But the relationship I have built with these three ladies is so different, and I think thats cause when I had no friends or family here they were there for me! Even though I can be a bitch, and they will be the first to say it! Or the fact that not many people (girls especially) can handle the fact that I speak my mind and will, even if I know it will hurt you, tell you exactly how I feel about a situation. They took every bit of me and accepted it and never judged me for it. Because yes even though I speak my mind and can be a straight up bitch at times they know its only cause I love and care about them!

I look forward to Anya growing up with these three amazing woman in her life! I look forward to every adventure we have coming up and all the ones we have yet to plan!! I look forward to many more years of friendship with these three beyond amazing woman!! I feel blessed that I have had the opportunity to welcome them into my world and family! I love you girls so much!!! ♥♥♥

We have said it a million times but we NEED a new picture of all of us! Totally just realized this is from 2010 lol!!

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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Is she a good baby?!

"When life gets hard and you feel all alone, Remember, you mean the world to someone and that someone calls you Mom!"
Since having Anya I get asked probably on a daily basis, when I leave my house, if she is a good baby or not. I always respond without hesitation "yeah she's amazing". It's got me thinking do the people who ask this ever get the answer "no my child is horrible"?! A friend of mine shared this cute little picture on FB the other day and I just needed to touch base on it a bit because I find it beyond suiting! :)

Do you think when people asks us if our child is a good baby that they are expecting you to say anything but yes?! Because I can only imagine the looks id get if I answered them with "Are you kidding me" or "NO she's the worst baby ever"! I can just picture the looks on their faces. I wonder if they would ask these questions if they too had kids?!
Anya is by no means a bad baby. She's not colicky, she's a pretty good sleeper, and she is typically pretty happy! But there are days when all she does is cry, and there are nights that I am up all night with her and nothing I do will make her happy. But in the morning when I get out of bed and see her face none of that even matters!
We worked really hard to bring this little girl into the world! Trying to get pregnant was not even close to easy and being pregnant was no walk in the park either. But think about it, was the five plus years of university that you did for your career easy?! Was training your now ten year old dog when it was a puppy easy?! Has their ever been a time I'm your life that you just wanted to give up because, it wasn't easy?
Being a mom isn't easy, being a mom is Hard! Its hard now because you have a baby that you need to watch and teach, You have a tiny being taking up so much of your world and teaching you just as much as your teaching them. Being a mom wont be easy when Anya is older either. Her first day of school, her first fight with a friend, her first break up, and the first time she asks to go somewhere alone. Its all going to be hard, very hard!
I didn't sign up to be a mom because I thought it would be easy. I signed up to be a mom because being a mom is the most amazing and gratifying jobs out there!! ♥♥♥

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Monday, 3 March 2014

5 Months, Really! ♥

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."
I can't believe my baby girl is 5 months old already, where the heck did the time go?!
Anya is growing and learning so much everyday I love to watch it, everyday she amazes me more and more!
I'm still not sure if she will have brown or red hair although everyday it seems to get lighter! She just may end up being tall like her daddy, she's 23 inches already! She is still pretty tiny and weighs 12lbs 3oz (at her needles last week).
I recently put away her newborn and 0-3 month clothes and she wears some 3 months and some 3-6 month. We also opened our last box of diapers that were given to us last week and they are size 2! So no more size one diapers!!
Anya started eating rice cereal about two weeks ago. She started to watch John and I eat and would cry when we didn't give it to her and would refuse her bottle so although it was early we tried it and she loved it! We have since started making some different fruits and veggies for her! She loves cauliflower and Bananas (she had to try bananas a few times before she liked the). She is not a fan of the mixed veggies you buy at the store (peas, green beans, and carrots). Mel gave her pineapple while she watched her yesterday and she ate it but was definitely not to sure about it so it may take a few tries of that for her to like it as well.
She can now roll front to back and back to front, no more leaving her on the bed while I get dressed or shower. She grabs at everything including my face and hair! She is trying really hard to sit herself up, she gets about half way there! She can sit up if I sit her up all on her own for a few seconds before she falls over! It went be long before she can sit all by herself! :)
I can't believe how fast she is growing, where did my 5lb newborn go?!
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Mommy Must Haves ☆★☆

Sorry guys I've been a little MIA this week our internet was down. :(

So during the holidays my brother and sister in law asked me if there was anything Anya needed for a Christmas gift or if they should just get things they love having, my nephew is 5 months older then Anya. I told them to get me things they love that they have and I am so happy I did! So I thought I would pay it forward a bit and tell you guys the things I couldn't live without as a mom and as Anya grows I will add to the list of 'Mommy Must Haves' every few months! I also invite all other mommy to share in the comments or you can write a guest post about your Mommy Must Haves!! :)
First thing I couldn't  live without as a mom is Anya's wrap onsies!
Sorry the pictures sideways but that is a wrap onesie! I love it for so many reasons first one being that your don't have to pull it over babies head! Second it is double layered over babies chest so keeps their chest warm when it cold, awesome for winters that's for sure! I buy mine at H&M and they are organic so that's definitely awesome but I do know that Gerber makes some but they are only sold in the states, well that's the only place I've seen them. And they are super adorable!!

I have never really touched base with you guys about my breastfeeding experience or why it was never successful but you all know that I unfortunately could not breastfeed Anya. Not because of lack of trying that for sure! But my next Mommy must have is my formula containers! One of the things my brother and sister in law bought Anya for Christmas!

 I love my formula containers and am sooooo thankful that my brother and sister in law got Anya one! It makes life solo much easier especially when we go out of the house or when someone watches Anya for us! It also is one of my life savers at night time when Anya wakes up for a bottle! The formula storage containers, if like me you couldn't breastfeed, is one of the most convenient things baby related that I own!

My next Mommy must Have was given to me by one of the parents I Nanny for. I used it when I first started watching the little boy in the family (he was 5 months old) and I am so beyond thankful that they passed it on to me cause I couldn't live without Anya's tube! :)

The baby tube is a life saver and if you can get one I highly recommend it! If your a soon To be momma definitely put it on your baby registry! I am able to put Anya in her tube with some toys and do some cleaning, laundry, or any other house work and know she's safe!   Not only does the tube ensure baby is safe from falling over and hurting themselves it also teaches them how to sit up and strengthens their core muscles! Anya is also at the age right now where she just wants to stand or sit up so she loves her tube too! :)

My last Mommy must Have has more to do with me then Anya! Its my Keurig coffee maker!! I definitely couldn't live without my coffee that for sure!! I remember when I was in the party stage and didn't drink coffee and would stay up till 3 in the morning then go to work at 6 and it never phased me. Looking back now I have no idea how I ever functioned like that! For the first time ever I dont think my day would be complete without my morning coffee!!

Hope you guys found some of these helpful! If you'd like to add some just comment or send me an email and you can write your own 'Mommy must Haves' post and be featured on my blog!! :)

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