"From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my Heart!"
6 Months old guys can you believe it?! Feels like yesterday I was telling you we were having a baby now here I am almost ready to be chasing a baby!
Anya just had her 6 month appointment and shots done and she weighs 14lbs 3oz and is 25 1/2 inches tall! She's officially in 6 month sleeper! She still wears some 3 month onsies but everything else is 3-6 months. She's super healthy and the dr's are really happy with how she is growing and developing! She was born with a bit of a flat spot and it hasn't got better or gone away so they are sending us to a specialist just waiting for the call!
Anya eats pretty much anything I give her now although she hates anything green that I've tried so far. She can sit up all by herself and is trying so hard to figure our how to move. We have a huge feeling she will walk before she ever crawls. She is very observant of us and all she wants to do is stand and when she does she tries to walk. I think we are in trouble with this one guys! :P
Sleeping seems to be almost non existence in our world right now. Anya is teething or something and she wakes up crying and must be in pain she just keeps chewing on her hands and it not at all cause she's hungry cause if I try to give her a bottle she doesnt drink it. Whatever it is I hope she grows out of it soon!
For her 6 month I did a little photo shoot of her!
I'm so proud of the little girl Anya is becoming so far! She has the most amazing personality and it just seems to get bigger every day! Oh and the attitude I think her having that was a given! I just love the little person she is becoming so much!!
These months just seem to be flying by as if I don't even have time to blink and she's already changed. A lot has been going on around me these days that has got me reflecting on life and the world Anya is growing up in. Sometimes I feel like wrapping her in a bubble or moving into the middle of no where so she never has to be exposed to the pain and suffering that's in the world today. I know I can't but I wish I could! She's growing so fast the next thing I know she will be coming home crying cause someone at school made fun of her, or because a boy broke her heart! I know I can't hide her from on those things, so for now I'll just protect her!