"Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right!" Unknown
Had my appointment with my new Dr yesterday! Everything was going really well she was asking me a bunch of questions and then she got to my pregnancy history. I had to tell her about my previous miscarriage and that I found out at 8 weeks but opted out of a D&C and my body held onto that pregnancy till I was about 12 weeks. Right away she asked me if I would be interested in getting an ultrasound this week, of course I said yes! But she then said well lets try and find the Heartbeat first (knowing I have a doppler at home and have found the heartbeat before). She could not find the heartbeat she actually could not hear anything!
This freaked me out and she could tell just by looking at me so she booked me for an ultrasound for today at 2:30. I felt like my whole life was about to come crashing down. I was so scared driving to that ultrasound I did everything I could not to cry.
I went into my ultrasound so nervous. And to top off how nervous I was because it was not planned John had no time to get it off work (which I totally understand) so I went alone. Oh and I had to pee soo bad I thought I may pee my pants! The ultrasound tech said my bladder was so full I was squishing the baby and asked me to go pee, 3 different times, till I had emptied it enough lol. She found baby measuring 10wks 3days! So due Oct 19th!! As well as a VERY strong heartbeat beating away at 157bpm! :D Such good news today!! They also gave me a picture to bring home to John! :D
So I have decided that I need to try and chill out and stop thinking something is wrong all the time. This baby is here and here to stay! Plus I am almost out of the first trimester!!! :)
Oh and to add to all this awesome news I am starting to feel awesome too! so....
Symptom Update...
Tired- Yes still very tired always tired lol..
Irritable- John keeps saying he is pretty sure I am crazy lol. No crazy just pregnant! :D
Headaches/Migraines- The maternity Dr has sent in a requisition for me to be checked out for my migraines and headaches so hopefully I get some answers!!